Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Focus Groups - Plaza Research - Alzheimer's, Homeowners

2 Studies from Plaza Research

**If you have filled out the survey already or have been booked for this study already, please do not apply again or call in. Thank you! **

Plaza Research Atlanta is currently looking for participants for 2 new  nationwide studies coming up in February! As with all Plaza Research studies, participants are booked on a first come first serve basis. Not all participants who complete the pre-questionnaires will qualify for the study, nor will everyone receive a callback. Please do not call in reference to the study. If you pre-qualify, a recruiter will contact you with further questions and details.

By clicking on the link below and/or answering the questions, you are confirming you understand the above statements and policies. You are also agreeing to fill out the survey honestly and to the best of your knowledge.

*Referrals for these studies are welcome! Please forward this email to anyone you think may qualify.

Study #1 Topic: Alzheimer¹s Disease
Who: We are looking for individuals who have been, or have family members/friends who have been recently diagnosed with Alzheimers.
When: February 7th through February 20th, 2012
Length/Pay: 45min / $50.00
Where: Comfort of your own home / Telephone Interviews

If you are interested in the Alzheimers study, please click on the link below and fill out the survey:

Study #2 Topic: Homeowners
When: February 16th, 2012
Length/Pay: 20min / $50.00
Where: Comfort of your own home / Telephone Interviews

If you are interested in the Homeowners study, please click on the link below and fill out the survey:

***Please note: the links above may not work with your browser. If you are experiencing issues, try copy and pasting the link into your URL, using a different browser (i.e.: Internet Explorer), restarting your computer, or using a different computer. If you are still having issues, please reply to with your name, age, and phone number. Responses via the link above will be given first priority. *** Do not call

Do you know anyone who is interested in joining our online database ( They will receive a few emails weekly outlining various focus group opportunities. Please send the link below to anyone who maybe interested. If the link does not work please copy and paste the link into your browser.